

Joe Peiffer was recently quoted in On Wall Street about shortfalls in FINRA’s BrokerCheck service.  BrokerCheck does not disclose complete information about brokers. Joe, as president of the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association (PIABA), drafted a letter to the SEC, along with Public Citizen and the...

Adam Wolf was recently quoted in the AP regarding a case that the firm is litigating for its clients Jerry Olson and Medical Marijuana of the Rockies.  You can read the article here. The article, which was distributed to newspapers throughout the country, notes the firm’s...

Joe Peiffer was recently quoted in an article that appeared in the magazine Financial Planning. The article concerned brokers’ meaningless self-designations as “retirement specialists.” LPL Financial recently paid a fine of $250,000 in relation to ten of its Massachusetts-based advisers employing the title of “Retirement Income...

For the fourth consecutive year, Adam Wolf was a featured speaker at the annual convention of the American Association for Justice.  This year’s conference, attended by attorneys from around the world, took place in Montreal, Canada. Adam provided a review of the U.S. Supreme Court’s October...

Harry Stokes orchestrated a Ponzi scheme and defrauded investors out of millions of dollars, according to a complaint filed in North Carolina state court. Stokes was licensed to sell investment products and owned an insurance firm, Contemporary Benefits Design, located in Monroe, North Carolina. Stokes admitted to...

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