securities Tag

A group of former clients of a New London investment manager say Fidelity should cover some of their losses, accusing the brokerage firm of missing a series of red flags in his trading activity. The investors allege that Thomas Chadwick, a longtime Upper Valley investment manager...

Law360 (October 29, 2024, 9:26 PM EDT) -- A New York federal judge has given his preliminary blessing to a settlement worth up to $9 million resolving a class action by Yieldstreet investors who accused the online platform of offering "riskier-than-junk-bond investments" to the public...

Nine months after FINRA began a process to publicly label firms as ‘restricted’ if they or their brokers had a significant history of misconduct, no firms have received that scarlet letter, according to a review of the regulator’s BrokerCheck database. FINRA’s Rule 4111, which created the...

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