

Who is Trevor Rahn? | Trevor Rahn Investigation

Trevor Rahn (Trevor Bradner Rahn) was a registered broker with J.P. Morgan Securities until 2018. In 2018, he was the subject of a New York Times article about excessive and unauthorized trading. According to FINRA’s Broker Check, he was the subject of 8 regulatory disclosures, including an 18 months suspension (from 4/5/2020 to 10/4/2022).


Peiffer Wolf is currently investigating claims against Trevor Rahn of J.P. Morgan and Deutsche Bank Securities for his recommendations and practices.


If you were a client of Trevor Rahn, Contact Us Today by calling 585-310-5140 or by filling out an online contact form for a FREE Consultation.

Trevor Rahn | J. P. Morgan & Deutsche Bank Securities


Trevor Rahn’s practices were exposed by the New York Times article “Caring for Aging Parents, With an Eye on the Broker Handling Their Savings”, in 2018:


“After about six months, she [the daughter of one of Trevor Rahn’s clients] learned that the account, worth roughly $1.3 million at the start of 2017, had been charged $128,000 in commissions that year — nearly 10 percent of its value, and about 10 times what many financial planners would charge to manage accounts that size. […] About five months after Ms. Dewart questioned Mr. Rahn’s handling of the account, J.P. Morgan had canceled 681 of the 1,499 transactions for 2017, crediting about $84,000 in commissions…”


According to FINRA’s BrokerCheck, Trevor Rahn was the subject of 8 disclosures, including:


  • March 2021: Regulatory – Final. Suspension for 18 months, Civil and Administrative Penalties: $10,000. Allegations include: “The findings also stated that Rahn executed trades in a customer account without her authorization. The findings also included that Rahn caused his firm to create inaccurate records by mismarking solicited trades in customer accounts as unsolicited.”
  • June 2019: Customer Dispute – Settled for $549,184.00. Allegations include: “Customer alleges financial advisor engaged in a pattern of unauthorized trading and margin use in customer’s account in order to generate commissions, and resulting in losses to customer.”
  • November 2018: Customer Dispute – Settled for $114,000.00. Allegations include unauthorized transactions.
  • September 2018: Employment Separation After Allegations – Discharged. J.P. Morgan alleged: “Unacceptable practices by the representative relating to the timing and size of orders entered resulting transaction charges in a client account and relating to the marking of certain orders for the account as unsolicited.”
  • July 2014: Judgment/Lien – Civil. Amount: $763,424.76. According to AdvisorHub, “When [Trevor Rahn and his wife, Jacqueline Rahn] left Deutsche [Bank] after two years to join J.P. Morgan, the German bank sued and in 2014 won $722,460 plus interest representing the value of a promissory note tied to his hiring bonus.”


Prior to J.P. Morgan and Deutsche Bank, Trevor Rahn was registered with Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch.


If you invested with Trevor Rahn of J.P. Morgan, contact Peiffer Wolf immediately for a FREE Consultation.


To review Trevor Rahn’s BrokerCheck report, click here:

*BrokerCheck is run by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA)

Trevor Rahn Investigation

Financial advisors (brokers) have a legal obligation and regulatory obligation to recommend only suitable investments that are appropriate for their individual clients. Their broker-dealer (employing brokerage firm) has a legal obligation and regulatory obligation to supervise the financial advisor’s sales practices and dealings with clients. To the extent that any of these duties are breached, the customer may be entitled to a recovery of his or her investment losses.


Based on our experience, we believe that there are more investors who have been the victims of Trevor Rahn’s alleged broker misconduct and investment fraud. If you invested with Trevor Rahn of J.P. Morgan, you should contact Peiffer Wolf immediately for a FREE Consultation.

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GPB Brokers in the news

Brokercheck®️ report: Trevor Rahn

Information about this broker was obtained from FINRA’s BrokerCheck on March 31, 2021. You should always review the BrokerCheck report directly for the most updated information. If you believe that information on this page is incorrect, please contact us.

FREE Consultation | 585-310-5140


If you believe you were a victim of investment fraud or broker misconduct, it is imperative to take action. Peiffer Wolf has represented thousands of victims, and we remain committed to fighting on behalf of investors.


Peiffer Wolf is currently investigating Trevor Rahn’s practices, as well as the products he recommended to individual investors. Concerns about possible broker misconduct and investment fraud are serious, and we are committed to fighting on behalf of investors. Contact Us Today for a FREE Consultation.  585-310-5140

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