Finra Arbitrators Let Thousands of Brokers Purge Infraction Records

FIP Lawsuit News Conference Audio August 23rd, 2018

 August 23, 2018 – Peiffer Wolf Carr & Kane (PWCK) Seeks Recovery for Swindled Investors From Insurance Agents, Investment Advisors and Brokers in Los Angeles Area, Houston, Chicago Area, Northern Florida, and Philadelphia/New Jersey.



LOS ANGELES, CA. – August 23, 2018 – A 72-year-old with no retirement plan. An 89-year-old Korean war veteran. A landscape company owner with no investing experience. These were among the thousands of victims of an elaborate investment scheme that succeeded in large part through the credibility lent to the scheme by a network of “middlemen” insurance agents, brokers, financial planners/investment advisors (IAs) and others who roped in unwary investors for Future Income Payments LLC (FIP). Today, the law firm Peiffer Wolf Carr & Kane (PWCK) initiated a coordinated wave of five lawsuits in the Los Angeles area, Houston, Chicago area, northern Florida, and Philadelphia/New Jersey targeting the seemingly legitimate financial professionals who made the FIP scheme work. For more information, go to

The cases filed today by PWCK named:  John Marshall/JB Marshall Financial in San Diego/Los Angeles, CA area); Michael A. Frisch (investment advisor in Los Angeles, CA area)/Secure Investment Management, LLC (IA firm in Phoenix/Tucson, AZ area); Daniel T. Sharpe, Jr. d/b/a DTS Financial Services (insurance agent in greater Philadelphia/New Jersey area)/Joshua David Mellberg, LLC d/b/a JD Mellberg Financial (IA firm in Phoenix/Tucson, AZ area); Paul E. Ferraresi/Founders Group, Inc. (financial planner and investment advisor in Houston, TX area); Matthew Linklater/Linklater Financial Group/Linklater Group, Co. (investment advisor and insurance agent in Chicago, IL area); Leland Blair Whiting (registered broker in Salt Lake City, UT area)/Horner Townsend & Kent (brokerage firm in Philadelphia, PA area)/Live Abundant (insurance agency and independent marketing organization in Salt Lake City, UT area); c and Gregory P. Durette d/b/a Future Secured Financial (a financial planner and insurance agent in Fort Walton/Northern Florida area). PWCK previously filed a similar complaint in the Columbus, Ohio area naming Jeffrey A. Pickett d/b/a Pickett Financial (insurance agent claiming to be a “retirement and financial specialist”).


What to Do if You Think You Were a Victim of Investment Fraud or Broker Misconduct

If you believe you were a victim of investment fraud or broker misconduct, it is imperative to take action. Peiffer Wolf Carr & Kane has represented thousands of victims, and we remain committed to fighting on behalf of investors.

Contact Peiffer Wolf today by filling out a Contact Form on our website or by calling 585-310-5410 to schedule a FREE Case Evaluation.

About Peiffer Wolf  Carr & Kane, APLC

Peiffer Wolf Carr & Kane is a nationwide litigation law firm that represents individuals and entities that have been the victims of negligence, fraud or the misconduct of powerful interests.  We are smart, experienced, and dedicated professionals who work tirelessly for our clients and take pride in the pursuit of justice on their behalf.  Too often the powerful interests in our society run over the rights of ordinary people. We do our best to restore that balance.


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